Reading Points - well done Year 5!
Since the launch of Accelerated Reader at the start of the year, the children have been reading books, taking quizzes and earning points. The more they read, the more points they earn. A massive well done to Year 5 who are our top scoring year group this year. They achieved an enormous 1168 points. Year 3 were 2nd with 782 points and Year 4 were 3rd with 749 points. Well done to all the children who have been reading regularly in school and at home.
Another special prize was awarded in assembly last week. Lily designed a wonderful display which has now been finished and has been put up in the hall. Each term the points earned by each year group will be tracked to see which year group earns the most. Watch this space to find out which year will win and receive the reading cup at the end of Term 6.