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Bitham Brook Primary School

In a community of kindness where all belong: be positive, be resilient, be creative


Leave of Absence During Term Time


The DfE has made it clear that Headteachers are not to authorise absence for any holidays during term time, except under exceptional circumstances.  We will not, therefore, grant authorisation for absence in the following instances:

* Day trips and holidays in term time

* Leaving school unncecessarily during the school day

* Not attending school for unnecessary reason such as shopping or birthdays

* Absences which have not been properly explained or have failed to follow the absence procedure


From August 19th 2024 all schools and councils across the country will be expected to follow the new statutory guidance for attendance and penalty notices. Unauthorised absences of 5 days (10 sessions) or more within a rolling period of 10 school weeks may lead to a Penalty Notice being issued by the Local Authority.  Penalty notices can also be issued where a child is absent for repeated incidents of unauthorised leave in term time that fall below the 5-day threshold. Please see the enclosed letter to parents and carers from Wiltshire Council providing more information on the new system. 

If you wish to take your child out of school during term time, please complete a Leave of Absence form:
