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Bitham Brook Primary School

In a community of kindness where all belong: be positive, be resilient, be creative

Year One

We have two Year 1 classes - Miss Bradley and Mrs Webster

Support Staff -Mrs Cooper, Mrs Smith and Mrs Swallow



Term 1


Welcome to Year 1! We hope you had a lovely summer holiday. We are very much looking forward to welcoming the children to Year 1.  Mrs Webster’s class will be taught by Mrs Webster on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and by Mrs Trypanis on Tuesdays. Miss Bradley’s class will be taught by Miss Bradley on Monday mornings, Tuesday mornings, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Monday and Tuesday afternoons, the class will be taught by Mrs Smith. Teaching assistants in Year 1 will be Mrs Cooper, Mrs Smith and Mrs Swallow.



After the children have settled, children will receive weekly spellings linked to their phonics learning.

Please continue to read at home daily. Children will receive a star for every day recorded in their yellow books.




Children will have PE on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please ensure children come to school in their Bitham Brook PE kit on these days. 

Wednesday- PE

Thursday- Dance

Friday- PE 


When the children have PE they should continue to wear their Bitham Brook PE kit into school, with their school jumper / cardigan over the top (if weather conditions require a jumper/cardigan).  Please note our PE kit is a plain white t-shirt and black shorts / leggings / tracksuit with daps or trainers.  Other sports clothing is not acceptable as it is important that as a school we have pride in our appearance.  It is important that children do not attend school in casual clothing as we want to maintain the children's sense of education being important, pride in their appearance and belonging to Bitham Brook.


Morning Snacks

All children in Year 1 receive a free piece of fruit or vegetable everyday, however, children are able to bring their own snack if they prefer.  Please be reminded that this should only be fruit, vegetables, plain crackers or dairy products such as yogurts or cheese.  Children will be asked to save sweets/biscuits/crisps/chocolate for their lunchtime or to take home. Please note that we are a NUT FREE school. 

We are Family, by Patricia Hegarty & The Tiger and the Jackal, by Vivian French & Alison Bartlett.

Year 1 learning this term



Place Value within 10

Adding and subtracting within 10




We will be writing labels, lists and captions inspired by our class book ‘We are Family’. Please can children bring to school in September some photos of their families to inspire their writing. We will send an email out about this nearer the time.

We will also be learning to innovate a traditional Indian fairy-tale, The Tiger and the Jackal.




During reading we will be working our way through our class books We are Family and Tiger and the Jackal.

We will focus on key comprehension skills such as retrieval, prediction and inference to deepen our understanding of the text.



This terms puzzle piece is named ‘Being me’. Children will be thinking about the school community and their new class and how to make this positive environment for all.



This term we will be focusing on our drawing skills. Children will be answering the big question, ‘how can mark making help to create texture?’



Religious Education

We will be looking at Christianity and Judaism this term. The big question we will be answering this term is ‘How do people show that they belong?’




    We will be learning about our local area. We will learn about physical and human features on a map.




    Physical Education

    In PE this term, the children will enjoy developing a range of skills. They will continue developing their netball skills. They will continue to enjoy dance; building a routine with Miss Watts.



    The children will learn the classical piece 'Mars' by Gustav Holst. They will sing it in different styles and play simple patterns on classroom instruments, and repeat simple patterns back. They will make their own space map with lots of different sounds



    Our topic in science is ‘Seasons’. We will be learning about changes across the four seasons, including observing and describing the weather associated with each season and how day length varies.






    Previous Class Newsletters

