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Bitham Brook Primary School

In a community of kindness where all belong: be positive, be resilient, be creative

Year Four

We have two Year 4 classes - Mr Bold and Miss Thomas/Mrs Woodward

Support Staff - Mrs Ward, Mrs Swanson and Mrs Player


Welcome to Term 2

We have another busy term again as we head towards Christmas.  As the months get colder, please can you make sure that your child has a coat.  Could you also make sure that your child has their name on everything so that they are easy to find.


MESSAGES: Please can children come in with a water bottle and a coat every day. If children require a snack at break time, please ensure they are sent to school with one as we are unable to provide snacks for all children in ks2.



Spellings will be handed out every week. These will be worked on in class before being tested at the end of the week. 

Please continue to read at home and complete Accelerated Reader checks.

Continue to practise times table challenges on Times Tables Rock Stars.


PE Days


Children will have PE on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure that children come to school in their Bitham Brook PE kit on these days. 

Tuesday- Dance/Football

Friday- Swimming


When the children have PE they should continue to wear their Bitham Brook PE kit into school with the school jumper over the top (if weather conditions require a jumper).  Please note the Bitham Brook PE kit is a plain white t-shirt and black shorts/leggings/tracksuit with trainers.  Other sports clothing is not acceptable as it is important, that as a school, we have pride in our appearance.  It is important that children do not attend school in casual clothing as we want to maintain the children's sense of education being important; pride in their appearance; and belonging to Bitham Brook.

The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo

Year 4 learning this term



In maths, we will developing our understanding of multiplication and division and learning formal methods.  We will also look at graphs and charts with discrete and continuous data.  Throughout the term, we will be practicing our multiplication facts for speed in preparation for the multiplication test the Year 4s will be completing in June. 



Our writing will be linked to our class book, ‘The Butterfly Lion’ by Michael Morpurgo. We will be writing a recount about an event in school (The visit of Jonathan Jungle and his animals) and writing a non-chronological report on lions.




During reading, we will be working our way through our class book, ‘The Butterfly Lion’ by Michael Morpurgo.  The children will be interrogating the text using a variety of skills.  The children will be able to continue with their own reading and testing their understanding using Accelerated reader.



Our PSHE this term is ‘Celebrating differences’.  Throughout this unit, we will be learning about seeing how we are all the same whilst being different.



 In science, we will be investigating living things and their habitat.





The children will learn about different religions and their approach to what sacrifice means.





In design technology, we will be looking at food and nutrition with our final challenge being to make a vegetable pasty.




In history this term, the children will learning about the Romans.  We will be looking at where they came from and once they invaded Britain where they went and what they did.




In computers, we will be looking at effective searching and how we can use search engines to find the information that we need.



Physical Education

In PE, we will be learning dance and football skills.  We will also be continuing to develop our swimming skills with our weekly session at the Westbury Pool.




In French we will be learning about the classroom and the home.





In music, we will be developing our singing skills.  We will be singing in unison as well as in rounds and partner songs before focusing on Christmas songs.



Previous Class Newsletters

Year 4 Battle Scene

Still image for this video
Our magnificent Year 4 children battled bravely this week - only one side could be victorious...!