Absence Procedure
At Bitham Brook Primary School, we are committed to promoting and modelling excellent attendance, which is essential for pupils to achieve their potential. As a parent or carer you have a legal requirement to ensure your child attends school on a regular basis.
We do understand there are times when children will need to be absent from school for a number of reasons. As a result, we will only consider authorising absences in the following instances:
* For sickness or ill health
* For medical or dental appointments which fall during school hours
* For religious or cultural observances
* For a family emergency
We ask all parents and carers to follow our absence procedure in order to grant authorised absence in the above instances. You are required to notify the school office by 9am on the first day of absence, either by telephoning and leaving a message, or by emailing admin@bithambrook.wilts.sch.uk
Any parent or carer who has not reported their child as absent will be contacted by the school by phone call. Failure to follow this procedure may result in your child receiving an unauthorised absence.
At Bitham Brook Primary, we also recognise the importance of pupils arriving on time at the start of the school day. The school gates open at 8.35 am and all pupils are expected to be ready in their classrooms in time for registration at 8.45 am. All pupils arriving after 8.45 am need to report at the School Office and will be issued a late mark on the registers.
Should my child go to school today?
If your child is showing signs of illness and you're not sure if they should attend school, please visit the NHS live well website to check if your child should attend school.