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Bitham Brook Primary School

In a community of kindness where all belong: be positive, be resilient, be creative

Year Five

We have two Year 5 classes - Miss Glass and Miss Gascoigne

Support Staff - Ms Castle, Mrs O'Hare,  Mrs Horton and Mrs Bullingham 


Term 5


We hope you have all had a great break. 


Despite the weather getting warmer, please can you make sure that your child has a coat, even if just a thin waterproof coat as the weather is still very changeable. Could you also make sure that your child has their name on everything so that they are easy to find. Please can you also make sure children bring water to school in bottles with a screw top lid rather than juice please.


Please could children also ensure jewellery is removed before their PE lesson or prior to coming to school. Please can we also remind you that the children will not need to bring in pencil cases or stationary as this will be provided in class, and that toys and valuables are kept at home. 



Spellings will be handed out on the first Monday of term.  We will not be testing weekly but instead every 4 weeks.  Spellings can also be found on the school website at the bottom of this page

Please continue to read at home.

Continue practicing for times table challenges on Times Table Rock Stars.

Complete any homework set on Purple Mash.


PE Days

Children will have PE on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in Miss Gascoigne's class and on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in Miss Glass' class. Please ensure that children come to school wearing their Bitham Brook PE kit on these days. 



When the children have PE they should continue to wear their Bitham Brook PE kit into school with the school jumper over the top (if weather conditions require a jumper).  Please note the Bitham Brook PE kit is a plain white t-shirt and black shorts/leggings/tracksuit with trainers.  Other sports clothing is not acceptable as it is important, that as a school, we have pride in our appearance.  It is important that children do not attend school in casual clothing as we want to maintain the children's sense of education being important; pride in their appearance; and belonging to Bitham Brook.

Letters from the Lighthouse, by Emma Carroll.

Learning this Term


In maths, we will be finishing off our unit on statistics. Following this unit, we will focus on shape. We will draw and measure angles, as well as find angles in shapes. We will end the term learning about position and direction. Children will read and plot co-ordinates as well as translate shapes on a grid.   



Our writing will be linked to our class book, ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ by Emma Carroll. We will begin the term by writing a letter set during World War 2. We will finish the term by writing a historical narrative drawing in all the writing devices and techniques learnt over the previous weeks.



During reading, we will be working our way through our class book ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ by Emma Carroll, and interrogate the text using a variety of skills. The children will be able to continue with their own reading and testing their understanding using Accelerated Reader.



Our PSHE topic this term is called ‘Relationships’. In this unit, children will learn about online communities and recognise and learn what to do when a situation may be unsafe or uncomfortable. Children will learn what their rights and responsibilities are in an online community or social network. We will finish the term learning to recognise when screen time could affect someone’s health.



In science, we will be looking at Forces. We will be learning about gravity, air resistance, water resistance and friction as well as identifying the forces used in different mechanisms.




In Art this term, we will be looking at Sculpture. The children will apply skills learnt to create a clay coil pot.





In Geography, we will be learning about climates across the world. We will be looking at climate zones, plotting climate graphs and learning about biomes and vegetation belts. 





In computers, the children will be learning the skill of coding. Children will create a program using event, object and action code blocks.



Physical Education   

In PE, we will be focussing on learning the different skills of athletics. These will include sprinting, longer distance running, throwing (javelin and shot) and long jump.




We will be focussing on developing use of basic French words such as colours, numbers, animals, places or greetings.





We will be using the glockenspiel to compose piece using graphic notation.




Previous Class Newsletters
