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Bitham Brook Primary School

In a community of kindness where all belong: be positive, be resilient, be creative

Year Two

We have two Year 2 classes- Mrs Clinch and Miss Fry



   Mrs Clinch-Sparrows                Miss Fry- Doves


Support Staff - Mrs King, Mrs Cooper, Mrs West, Mrs Smith and Mrs Swallow


Term 6


We hope that you have all had a great break. As the months become warmer,  please ensure your child brings a sunhat. Children should come to school with sun cream already applied on hot days. Please make sure all items are clearly labelled with your child's name. 


Please continue to ensure your child brings minimal possessions into school.  Please can you continue to make sure that your child has a coat that your child has their name on everything so that they are easy to find. Please also continue to ensure your child brings minimal possessions into school – if it does not fit in their drawer it is too big to bring into school.


A quick reminder to make sure your child has a water bottle with them every day.


Please read daily at home.

In the run up to SATs, it is very important and beneficial that you aim to read at home 5 times a week, as this will support your child's progress. 





Children will have PE on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure children come to school in their Bitham Brook PE kit on these days. 


Monday- Cricket

Tuesday- Cricket

Thursday- Dance


When the children have PE, they should continue to wear their Bitham Brook PE kit into school with the school jumper over the top (if weather conditions require a jumper).  Please note the Bitham Brook PE kit is a plain white t-shirt and black shorts/leggings/tracksuit with daps/trainers.  Other sports clothing is not acceptable as it is important that, as a school, we have pride in our appearance.   

    Flat Stanley, Jeff Brown.


    Year 2 Learning this Term



    Statistics and Position and direction.




    Our writing will be linked to our class book ‘Flat Stanley’. We will be writing a recount about our school trip and an adventure story.




    During reading we will be reading ‘Flat Stanley, asking questions using the skills of prediction, inference and vocabulary so the children deepen their understanding of the text.



    We will be exploring the question: How can you repurpose an item of clothing. We will create a paper patchwork, and repose an item of clothing.  If you have old items of clothes you would be happy for it to be cut up and repurposed, please send into school with a name attached.






    We will be exploring the theme ‘How did Isambard Kingdom Brunel change Wiltshire and the South West?’. Our Year 2 trip to Steam Museum will support the learning of this theme.




    We will be looking closely at Charles Mackintosh and scientifically investigating how to waterproof a picture using everyday materials. The pupils’ will be identifying and comparing the suitability of a variety of everyday materials.



    In PSHE we will be exploring the theme ‘Changing Me’. Lesson 4 of this topic will be discussing private parts of the body.



    In RE, we will be exploring Hinduism. In particular, focusing on the question ‘How do celebrations give Hindus a sense of belonging?’ This will involve exploring the celebrations of Jatakarma, Raksha Bandhan & Diwali.




    In Music we will be listening to Baris Gong Kebyar of Peliaton and studying Gamelan music. 




    In PE this term, we will be focusing on batting, bowling and fielding skills in Cricket





    World Book Day!

    Previous Class Newsletters


    West Wilts Dance Festival for KS1
