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Bitham Brook Primary School

In a community of kindness where all belong: be positive, be resilient, be creative

Year Six

We have two year 6 classes- Mr Perry and Mrs Sampson & Mrs Martin



     Mr Perry- Owls          Mrs Sampson &

                                       Mrs Martin- Robins  


Support Staff - Mrs O'Hare, Mrs Dallimore, Ms Castle, Mrs Bullingham and Mrs Horton.


Term 5

Welcome back Year 6. We hope you have all had a great break. Please can you make sure that your child has a water bottle and that they have their name on everything so that they are easy to find.  As the months become warmer, please ensure children have a coat, especially for those colder mornings. 

Please can we also remind you that the children will not need to bring in pencil cases or stationary as this will be provided in class, and that toys and valuables are kept at home.

Useful Info


Please can you ensure that your child has a water bottle with them in school. 


We are a close team across both Year 6 classes, and group for maths and writing.  In this way children become familiar to moving classes as they will in secondary school.



Year 6 will be sitting their SATS this term on the week commencing 13th May.   SATS are standardised assessment tests administered by Primary Schools to children in Year 6 to check their educational progress.  We will be offering a free ‘SATS Breakfast Club’ for Year 6 children on Monday 13th – Thursday 16th May, so that the children can come in a little earlier and feel relaxed before sitting their test papers, with something to eat and drink. A letter will be sent out to confirm timings.  Please note, this will not be the same as regular breakfast club and the timings will be different. Parents / carers need to fill in permission slips if they would like their children to attend these.


During this term and on the lead up to SATs week, the children will have regular afternoon revision sessions which will cover Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Maths.




Spellings will be handed out on the first Monday of term.  We will not be testing weekly but instead every 4 weeks.  Spellings can also be found on the school website.


Please continue to read at home.


SATS question books will be sent out as homework every Thursday. It will either be English or Maths. Please return these on Mondays. 


SATS clubs will be continuing with the same children this term.


PE Days


When the children have PE they should continue to wear their Bitham Brook PE kit into school with the school jumper over the top.  Please note the Bitham Brook PE kit is a plain white t-shirt and black shorts/leggings/tracksuit with trainers.  Other sports clothing is not acceptable as it is important that, as a school, we have pride in our appearance.  It is important that children do not attend school in casual clothing as we want to maintain the children's sense of education being important, pride in their appearance and belonging to Bitham Brook.


Children will have PE on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that children come to school in their Bitham Brook PE kit on these days. 



When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit, by Judith Kerr


Year 6 learning this term



Our focus will that of shape and geometry for the first weeks of this term, as well as revision of all units taught over the year, as the children prepare for their SATs.



We will be reading The Nowhere Emporium this term.




All of our writing will be centred around out class book, ‘The Nowhere Emporium’.  The first unit will be writing a series of diary entries from the perspective of one of the characters. The children will then write a fantasy story inspired by the events of the story.



Our PSHE topic this term is called Relationships and focusses on our own mental health as well as the mental health of those around us. We will discuss what makes a good friend and talk about respect. We will also look at grief and loss in this unit, and how to manage emotions connected with both of these. Our final lesson will focus on safe relationships on-line and the responsible use of technology.



In Science, we will be learning about living things and their habitats.  Children will describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including microorganisms, plants and animals.               




We will be learning how to make an installation sculpture made from wire and plaster.





We will be continuing our learning about Victorian Westbury, including a case study on Abraham Laverton and the philanthropic work that he did within Westbury. The children will end the unit by discussing whether life was better for Victorians in Westbury during this era.




We will be learning about coding this term. This involves looking at existing coding, asking the children to ‘read’ it and make predictions about what may happen when the code is run. They will then take time to understand the coding and learn how to modify it, before attempting to write their own coding from scratch.



Physical Education

In PE, we will be focussing on Summer athletics.





We will be focussing on learning and performing songs for our end of year performance, ‘Alice the Musical’

Previous Class Newsletters
