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Bitham Brook Primary School

In a community of kindness where all belong: be positive, be resilient, be creative

Year Six

We have two year 6 classes- Mr Perry and Mrs Sampson & Mrs Martin



     Mr Perry- Owls          Mrs Sampson &

                                       Mrs Martin- Robins  


Support Staff - Mrs O'Hare, Mrs Dallimore, Ms Castle, Mrs Bullingham and Mrs Horton.


Term 6

Welcome back Year 6. We hope you have all had a great break. Now that we are enjoying the warmer weather please can you make sure that your child has a water bottle and that they have their name on everything so that they are easy to find.  

Please can we also remind you that the children will not need to bring in pencil cases or stationary as this will be provided in class, and that toys and valuables are kept at home.


This term, Year 6 will be continuing to rehearse for our end of year play, Alice. We encourage children to learn their lines at home and if you are able to help them do this, it would be much appreciated!

Useful Info


Please can you ensure that your child has a water bottle with them in school. 


We are a close team across both Year 6 classes, and group for maths and writing.  In this way children become familiar to moving classes as they will in secondary school.




Spellings will be handed out on the first Monday of term.  We will not be testing weekly but instead every 4 weeks.  Spellings can also be found on the school website.



PE Days


When the children have PE they should continue to wear their Bitham Brook PE kit into school with the school jumper over the top.  Please note the Bitham Brook PE kit is a plain white t-shirt and black shorts/leggings/tracksuit with trainers.  Other sports clothing is not acceptable as it is important that, as a school, we have pride in our appearance.  It is important that children do not attend school in casual clothing as we want to maintain the children's sense of education being important, pride in their appearance and belonging to Bitham Brook.


Children will have PE on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that children come to school in their Bitham Brook PE kit on these days. 



Goodnight Mr Tom, by Michelle Magorian.


Year 6 learning this term



We will be utilising the maths skills acquired throughout the school year and endeavouring to solve problems linked to real life situations E.g. Setting budgets, Salaries, paying bills. We will also have mathematical projects to complete.



We will be reading Goodnight Mister Tom this term. This book is about a young boy evacuated to the idyllic English countryside during WW2 and the formation of an unlikely friendship. We will be developing our inference skills.




All of our writing will be centred around out class book, ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’, including a non-chronological report about Propaganda in WW2.




Our PSHE topic this term is called Changing Me. This is a unit that incorporates aspects of Relationship and sex education as it covers topics such as puberty, relationships and how babies are made



In Science, we will be consolidating the learning from the year. The children will be doing lots of practical work and experiments- getting hands on with electrical circuits and completing bug surveys in their local area.              



We will be learning about North America and water. The children will learn about the water cycle, building on their science knowledge from previous years. They will learn about the journey a river takes starting at the source and flowing to the mouth of the river. The unit end with the children using scales on maps to measure the lengths of rivers.




g We will be learning about coding this term. This involves looking at existing coding, asking the children to ‘read’ it and make predictions about what may happen when the code is run. They will then take time to understand the coding and learn how to modify it, before attempting to write their own coding from scratch.



Physical Education

In PE, we will be continuing with the sport of cricket. Children will practise the key skills of striking and fielding and bringing the skills that they have learnt together to play games



We will be considering the religion of Judaism with a theme of ‘Rites of Passage and Good Works,’ finding answers to the question of ‘What is the best way for a Jew to show commitment to God?




We will be learning about Sea Shanties. In groups, we will compose our own Sea Shanty, learn music to accompany it on the keyboard and practise for performance.

Previous Class Newsletters
