At Bitham Brook Primary School we follow the Model Music Curriculum which came out in March 2021 as a non-statutory guidance for the national curriculum in England. The purpose of the POS is that by the end of KS2, it enables pupils to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Music past and present and to understand significant aspects of music in the wider world. The POS supports the realisation of aspects of the school’s vision statement particularly by ‘nurturing curious minds’ and by preparing them ‘to participate in and contribute to the global world with confidence’. To achieve this, pupils will be equipped with knowledge in four areas: Singing, Listening, Composing and Performing.
By the end of KS2 children should be able, through good vocal production, careful listening and well-developed sense of pitch, pupils should be able to sing in harmony and with musical delivery.
There are seven main principles to develop vocal potential through the Key Stages.
Warm ups - these will help pupils to use their voices safely.
Breathing - To increase control of airflow will help pupils to sing longer phrases, adjust dynamics, improve tuning and phrase melodies expressively.
Posture - A relaxed but stable stance sets the body up to produce an unforced but well-focused sound.
Dynamics - Class singing should include a dynamic range as a key expressive tool.
Phrasing - To give shape to melodic lines through small dynamic changes.
Context - Music can often be brought to life by considering the context in which it was written.
Vocal health - Warming up before singing, staying hydrated, resting voices and keeping vocal muscles relaxed.
Listening to music is fundamental to musical understanding. Pupils will expand their musical horizons by gaining a deeper understanding of how music is constructed and explore the impact it can have on the listener. Listening to a broad range of music also helps develop other areas of musical activity including composing and performing. Music is one of a central building block of any culture and the shared knowledge of music is crucial cultural capital in understanding where we came from and our place in the world. It develops pupils’ shared knowledge and understanding of the stories, origins, traditions, history and social context of the music they are listening to, singing and playing. There are a wide range of listening styles including Western Classical, Tradition and Film, Popular Music and Musical traditions. We study topics that exemplify, value and respect the significant contributions made by Black, Asian and minority ethnic individuals and non-European societies to British and/or World Music (Mutual respect) We aim for the curriculum to give children a coherent view of Music history and this necessarily needs to include the contribution Black, Asian and minority ethnic individuals and non-European societies to the development of our society and civilised British culture.
The creative process gives pupils an opportunity to contribute to musical culture in unique and valuable ways. As pupils travel through the Key Stages, they will develop their skills creating melodies and combining into short pieces. Composing needs to be linked to the music listened to and performed. The development of a reliable musical memory is a valuable skill for performers and composers. Pupils should practice recalling melodic shapes, harmonic sequences and rhythmic patterns.
Creating opportunities to celebrate, share and experience music of all kinds will consolidate learning. There are four principles of performance to apply across the Key Stages.
Develop stagecraft - Develop confidence and ownership, engage with an audience, respect fellow performers and acknowledge applause.
Consider the programme - Aim for a clear beginning, middle and end for any performance activity.
Encourage peer feedback - Create an environment where pupils can constructively express their thoughts on performances.
Seek out opportunities for collaboration - Joint music projects with other classes, Westbury Music Cluster and Matravers School.