KS2- Carols by Candleight
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our KS2 Carols by candlelight performance on Tuesday 19th December 5:00-6:00pm. Children will sing under the fairy lit awning outside of the year 2 and 3 classrooms. A maximum of three family members per child are invited to attend this event. Pre-school age children and school age siblings are also welcome to attend. Please note that there will be no access to toilet facilities during this event.
This year we will be using the Parent booking system to manage the bookings for each performance. Tickets will be released at 7:00pm on Thursday 7th December and will be bookable up until 12:00pm on Thursday 14th December. To book tickets, please click on the following link http://parents-booking.co.uk/bithambrook and enter the details for yourself and your child. Once logged in you will be able to select tickets to a maximum of 3. Please note that the log in details you enter must match those we have on record for your child. We would strongly encourage you to log in prior to the release of the tickets to ensure you have no difficulties accessing the system. If you do experience any issues, please email admin@bithambrook.wilts.sch.uk.
On the day of the event, please arrive via the main reception at 4:45pm and take your child/ren to the school hall. We will take a register upon arrival so that we know who is on the school site. You will then be asked to make your way to the back playground, where you will watch the carol concert. Please be aware that there is no cover on the playground so warm, waterproof clothing is advisable. Children are welcome to wear Christmas themed clothing and accessories but please ensure they wear plenty of layers so they don’t get cold.
Once the carol concert has finished, you can collect your child/ren from their class teacher. Please can we remind you that photographs taken are for personal use only and must not be shared on social media.
We are very much looking forward to sharing our special end of term Christmas celebration with you.