Bitham Brook's 30th birthday celebration
On Friday 24th November, Bitham Brook Primary School will be celebrating our 30th birthday. To commemorate the occasion, we will be holding a day of celebrations within school.
The children will spend the day looking back at the school’s history and exploring how much the school has changed over the past 30 years. The children will be taking part in a number of celebratory activities in their classes and will then present them in assemblies throughout the morning. A selection of the children’s work will then be placed in our 30th birthday time capsule to give future pupils an idea of what it was like to be part of the Bitham Brook community in 2023.
On the day, children will be taking part in a celebration lunch in their classrooms. Please note that we will not be serving school lunches on this day. We would ask that all children bring a packed lunch into school for the celebration. We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents and carers that we are a nut free school and ask that you ensure there are no items containing nuts in your child’s lunch box. If your child is entitled to free school meals, the school will be able to provide a packed lunch for your child to enjoy in their classroom upon request. The packed lunch request form will be released shortly.
In the afternoon the children will enjoy a celebration performance from a local brass band. Prior to our birthday celebration we will be having a whole school photo taken. Parents and carers will have the opportunity to purchase the photo as a memento from the occasion. Details will follow shortly. Please note that only children with photo consent will be able to participate in the school photo.
FOBBS have also released a commemorative portrait T-towel to mark the occasion. Please note the deadline for purchasing the T-towel is Sunday 12th November and they can be purchased via the following link
Following our celebration, we will be sending a short presentation home for parents and carers to enjoy the experience of the day.